Wednesday, February 4, 2009


We were in the car yesterday after I picked up Jack from kindergarten, and he was telling me about a box that another kid brought to school. I asked him how big it was, and he said, "it would probably hold about 30 or 50 note cards." What a nice boy to put it in terms I would understand!


The Note House said...

That is too cute! When I went in to my daughter's pre-school classroom there was a list of "What I want to do when I grow up." Next to her name was, "Be a mommy who makes note cards."

Summer said...

how funny!

Inkspot Workshop said...

That's just about the most adorable conversation I've ever over heard:)

Sarah Jane said...

how darling!

Carla Cavellucci Landi said...

Kids are smarter than we think! How clever and cute!!!

Skinsleuth said...

Hey Sara,

Etsying for children's illustrations got me here and I'm glad to be here. I'm so touched by your wonderful nature of 'sharing' everything you've learned, the good and the bad. For someone who wants to start an Etsy business, these blogs and the triumphs and tribulations of Etsyians are quite essential to get a feel of it. I wish you all the best for everything!
